Thursday, May 31, 2012

client object model in sharepoint 2010

The ClientObjectModel is used to develop the client side applications and it can only work on client side and used to  access the  share point server.This is the core advantage for developer to work easily  on the share point
1) From the browser ,using JavaScript(ECMASscript) object model
2)Using the .NET framework (no lesser that .NET framework 3.5),Managed .net client object model
3)Silver light object model.
Managed .net client object model:It can only access the share point server to .net application .Using this object model we can do all list modifications in COM and authentication for application.To run the managed .nee client object model we need to add the below libraries into applications.
JavaScript(ECMAScript) Client object model:We can not use this COM in  .net applications and can not access the data from  other share point sites.We have to add the sp.js file

Silver light Client object model:In share point 2007 we don't have an option to integrate silver light application to share point.In share point 2010 we can integrate silver light application into share point application.
These three COM's  acts as a subset of the server object model which is defined  in Microsoft sharepoint dll ,which includes the objects at site collection level or lower that is defined in the share point hierarchy. In order to improve the security and performance of the application client object model focus on the relevant COM's for the client side development ,hence limiting the size of client libraries which reduces the time of downloading in the context of ECMASCRIPT and Silver light Applications.
These Object models provide consistency and easy to use ,object oriented system to connect between the share point and the remote client or server.These type of services are mainly countable in the context of Microsoft  Business Connectivity  Services.
These Models are implements as a part of Windows Communication Foundation Service ,but uses web bindings to implement efficient request batching.All the operations are serialized using XML and are sent to server using a single HTTP request and the server returns the request in the request client object model notation respectively with appropriate object .

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