In previous articles how to sort and paging in gridview in,The pager template in gridview is a certain layout. it would be to show the current page and number of pages[index].For this I have used a HTML table to create a custom page in side the grid view Pager template.We have two more function in this code which are create page numbers in grid view pager template
Aspx page:
Here i have created a class protected FullGridPager fullGridPager;
to develop the custom paging,and number for grid view.Because i have multiple pages with same grid view pager.
protected FullGridPager fullGridPager class;
Aspx page:
<asp:gridview allowpaging="True" autogeneratecolumns="False" autogenerateselectbutton="True" cellpadding="4" font-names="Verdana" gridlines="None" id="GdvMainmasters" ondatabound="GdvMainmasters_DataBound" onpageindexchanging="GdvMainmasters_PageIndexChanging" onrowcommand="GdvMainmasters_RowCommand" runat="server"> <columns> <asp:templatefield headertext="CODE"> <itemtemplate> <asp:label id="lblmaincode" runat="server" text="<%# Bind("MAINCODE") %>"></asp:label> </itemtemplate> </asp:templatefield> <asp:templatefield headertext="NAME"> <itemtemplate> <asp:label id="lblmainnanme" runat="server" text="<%# Bind("MAINNAME")%>"></asp:label> </itemtemplate> <itemstyle width="300px"> </itemstyle></asp:templatefield> <asp:templatefield headertext="STATUS"> <itemtemplate> <asp:label id="lblstatus" runat="server" text="<%# Bind("STATUS")%>"></asp:label> </itemtemplate> <itemstyle width="300px"> </itemstyle></asp:templatefield> </columns> <pagerstyle backcolor="White" borderstyle="Double" forecolor="Black" horizontalalign="Center"> <pagertemplate> </pagertemplate> </pagerstyle> </asp:gridview> <table class="pagerOuterTable" id="pagerOuterTable" runat="server"><tbody> <tr><td><br /> <br /> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" id="pagerInnerTable" runat="server"><tbody> <tr> <td class="pageCounter"> <br /> <asp:label id="lblPageCounter" runat="server" text=""></asp:label></td> <td class="pageFirst"><br /> <br /> <img align="middle" alt="" src="Images/firstpage.gif" /><br /> <asp:linkbutton commandargument="First" commandname="Page" cssclass="pagerLink" id="lnkFirstPage" runat="server">First</asp:linkbutton></td> <td class="pagePrevtNumber"><br /> <asp:linkbutton commandargument="Prev" commandname="Page" cssclass="pagerLink" id="linkprevpage" onclick="linkprevpage_Click" runat="server">Prev</asp:linkbutton></td> <td class="pageNextNumber"><br /> <asp:linkbutton commandargument="next" commandname="Page" cssclass="pagerLink" id="linknextpage" onclick="linknextpage_Click" runat="server">Next</asp:linkbutton></td> <td class="pageLast"><br /> <asp:linkbutton commandargument="Last" commandname="Page" cssclass="pagerLink" id="lnkLastPage" runat="server">Last</asp:linkbutton> <img align="middle" alt="" src="Images/lastpage.gif" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td class="pageGroups" visible="false"> <br /> Pages:<asp:dropdownlist autopostback="true" id="ddlPageGroups" onselectedindexchanged="ddlPageGroups_SelectedIndexChanged" runat="server"></asp:dropdownlist> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Code Behind:
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using dpant; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading; public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { public static string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["Con"].ToString(); public static SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connection); public static SqlCommand cmd = null; protected FullGridPager fullGridPager; protected int MaxVisible = 10; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { fullGridPager = new FullGridPager(GdvMainmasters,MaxVisible, "Page", "of"); fullGridPager.CreateCustomPager(GdvMainmasters.BottomPagerRow); } } protected void GdvMainmasters_PageIndexChanging(object sender,GridViewPageEventArgs e) { GdvMainmasters.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; GdvMainmasters.DataBind(); } protected void GdvMainmasters_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Excelbtn != "ABC" ) { if (fullGridPager == null) { fullGridPager = new FullGridPager(GdvMainmasters, MaxVisible, "Page", "of"); } fullGridPager.CreateCustomPager(GdvMainmasters.BottomPagerRow); fullGridPager.PageGroups(GdvMainmasters.BottomPagerRow); } } protected void ddlPageGroups_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e) { if (fullGridPager == null) { fullGridPager = new FullGridPager(GdvMainmasters, MaxVisible, "Page", "of"); } fullGridPager.PageGroupChanged(GdvMainmasters.BottomPagerRow); } protected void linknextpage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GdvMainmasters.PageIndex = GdvMainmasters.PageIndex + 10; GdvMainmasters.DataBind(); } protected void linkprevpage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GdvMainmasters.PageIndex > 10) { GdvMainmasters.PageIndex = GdvMainmasters.PageIndex - 10; GdvMainmasters.DataBind(); } else GdvMainmasters.PageIndex = 0; GdvMainmasters.DataBind(); } }
Here i have created a class protected FullGridPager fullGridPager;
to develop the custom paging,and number for grid view.Because i have multiple pages with same grid view pager.
protected FullGridPager fullGridPager class;
using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; namespace dpant { public class FullGridPager { private const int DEFAULT_MAX_VISIBLE = 0; private const string DEFAULT_COUNTER_TEXT = ""; private const string DEFAULT_TOTAL_TEXT = ""; protected int maxVisiblePageNumbers; protected int firstPageNumber; protected int lastPageNumber; protected string pageCounterText; protected string pageCounterTotalText; protected GridView theGrid; protected GridViewRow theGridViewRow; public FullGridPager(GridView TheGrid) { // Default Constructor maxVisiblePageNumbers = DEFAULT_MAX_VISIBLE; pageCounterText = DEFAULT_COUNTER_TEXT; pageCounterTotalText = DEFAULT_TOTAL_TEXT; theGrid = TheGrid; } public FullGridPager(GridView TheGrid, int MaxVisible, string CounterText, string TotalText) { // Parameterized constructor maxVisiblePageNumbers = MaxVisible; pageCounterText = CounterText; pageCounterTotalText = TotalText; theGrid = TheGrid; } public int MaxVisiblePageNumbers { get { return maxVisiblePageNumbers; } set { maxVisiblePageNumbers = value; } } public string PageCounterText { get { return pageCounterText; } set { pageCounterText = value; } } public string PageCounterTotalText { get { return pageCounterTotalText; } set { pageCounterTotalText = value; } } public GridView TheGrid { get { return theGrid; } } public void CreateCustomPager(GridViewRow PagerRow) { // Create custom pager inside the Grid's pagerTemplate. // An html table is used to format the custom pager. // No data to display. if (PagerRow == null) return; theGridViewRow = PagerRow; HtmlTable pagerInnerTable = (HtmlTable)PagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("pagerInnerTable"); if (pagerInnerTable != null) { // default dynamic cell position. // (after the pageCount, the "First" and the "Previous" cells). int insertCellPosition = 2; if (theGrid.PageIndex == 0) { // The first page is currently displayed. // Hide First and Previous page navigation. pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells[1].Visible = false; pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells[2].Visible = false; // Change the default dynamic cell to 1. insertCellPosition = 0; } CalcFirstPageNumber(); CalcLastPageNumber(); CreatePageNumbers(pagerInnerTable, insertCellPosition); int lastCellPosition = pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 1; if (theGrid.PageIndex == theGrid.PageCount - 1) { // The last page is currently displayed. // Hide Next and Last page navigation. pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells[lastCellPosition - 1].Visible = false; pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells[lastCellPosition].Visible = false; } UpdatePageCounter(pagerInnerTable); } } private void CreatePageNumbers(HtmlTable pagerInnerTable, int insertCellPosition) { for (int i = firstPageNumber, pos = 1; i <= lastPageNumber; i++, pos++) { // Create a new table cell for every data page number. HtmlTableCell tableCell = new HtmlTableCell(); if (theGrid.PageIndex == i - 1) tableCell.Attributes.Add("class", "pageCurrentNumber"); else tableCell.Attributes.Add("class", "pagePrevNextNumber"); // Create a new LinkButton for every data page number. LinkButton lnkPage = new LinkButton(); lnkPage.ID = "Page" + i.ToString(); lnkPage.Text = i.ToString(); lnkPage.CommandName = "Page"; lnkPage.CommandArgument = i.ToString(); lnkPage.CssClass = "pagerLink"; // Place link inside the table cell; Add the cell to the table row. tableCell.Controls.Add(lnkPage); pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells.Insert(insertCellPosition + pos, tableCell); } } private void CalcFirstPageNumber() { // Calculate the first, visible page number of the pager. firstPageNumber = 1; if (MaxVisiblePageNumbers == DEFAULT_MAX_VISIBLE) MaxVisiblePageNumbers = theGridPageCount; if (theGrid.PageCount > MaxVisiblePageNumbers) { // Seperate page numbers in groups if necessary. if ((theGrid.PageIndex + 1) > maxVisiblePageNumbers) { // Calculate the group to display. // Example: // GridView1.PageCount = 12 // maxVisiblePageNumbers = 4 // GridView1.PageIndex+1 = 7 // --> pageGroup = 2 (Page numbers: 5, 6, 7, 8) decimal pageGroup = Math.Ceiling((decimal)(theGrid.PageIndex + 1) / MaxVisiblePageNumbers); // Calculate the first page number for the group to display. // Example : // if pageGroup = 1 (Page numbers: 1,2,3,4) --> firstPageNumber = 1 // if pageGroup = 2 (Page numbers: 5,6,7,8) --> firstPageNumber = 5 // if pageGroup = 3 (Page numbers: 9,10,11,12) --> firstPageNumber = 9 firstPageNumber = (int)(1 + (MaxVisiblePageNumbers * (pageGroup - 1))); } } } private void CalcLastPageNumber() { // Calculate the last, visible page number of the pager. lastPageNumber = theGrid.PageCount; if (MaxVisiblePageNumbers == DEFAULT_MAX_VISIBLE) MaxVisiblePageNumbers = theGrid.PageCount; if (theGrid.PageCount > MaxVisiblePageNumbers) { lastPageNumber = firstPageNumber + (MaxVisiblePageNumbers - 1); if (theGrid.PageCount < lastPageNumber) lastPageNumber = theGrid.PageCount; } } private void UpdatePageCounter(HtmlTable pagerInnerTable) { // Display current page number and total number of pages. Label pageCounter = (Label)pagerInnerTable.Rows[0].Cells[0].FindControl("lblPageCounter"); pageCounter.Text = " " + PageCounterText + " " + (theGrid.PageIndex + 1).ToString() + " " + PageCounterTotalText + " " + theGrid.PageCount.ToString() + " "; } public void PageGroups(GridViewRow PagerRow) { // Display page groups in pager if GridView.PageCount is greater than the maxVisiblePageNumbers. // No data to display. if (PagerRow == null) return; theGridViewRow = PagerRow; HtmlTable pagerOuterTable = (HtmlTable)PagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("pagerOuterTable");I If (MaxVisiblePageNumbers == DEFAULT_MAX_VISIBLE) MaxVisiblePageNumbers = theGrid.PageCount; int maxPageGroups = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)theGrid.PageCount / MaxVisiblePageNumbers); if (theGrid.PageCount > MaxVisiblePageNumbers) { int lastCellPosition = pagerOuterTable.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 1; decimal pageGroup = Math.Ceiling((decimal)(theGrid.PageIndex + 1) / MaxVisiblePageNumbers); DropDownList ddlPageGroups = (DropDownList)pagerOuterTable.Rows[0].Cells[lastCellPosition].FindControl("ddlPageGroups"); for (int pg = 1; pg <= maxPageGroups; pg++) { int groupFirstPageNumber = (int)(1 + (maxVisiblePageNumbers * (pg - 1))); int groupLastPageNumber = groupFirstPageNumber + (maxVisiblePageNumbers - 1); if (theGrid.PageCount < groupLastPageNumber) groupLastPageNumber = theGrid.PageCount; string group = String.Format("{0} ... {1}", groupFirstPageNumber.ToString(), groupLastPageNumber.ToString()); ListItem groupItem = new ListItem(group, groupFirstPageNumber.ToString()); if (pageGroup == pg) groupItem.Selected = true; ddlPageGroups.Items.Add(groupItem); } //Make the dropdownlist visible; pagerOuterTable.Rows[0].Cells[lastCellPosition].Visible = false; } } public void PageGroupChanged(GridViewRow PagerRow) { // Change the page group. if (PagerRow != null) { HtmlTable pagerOuterTable = (HtmlTable)PagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("pagerOuterTable"); int lastCellPosition = pagerOuterTable.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 1; DropDownList ddlPageGroups = (DropDownList)pagerOuterTable.Rows[0].Cells[lastCellPosition].FindControl("ddlPageGroups"); this.theGrid.PageIndex = Int32.Parse(ddlPageGroups.SelectedValue) - 1; } } } }
This code does not make a lot of sense without seeing the.aspx code that goes with it.
Hi coyote.Thanks for comment.I have updated aspx page with class file which i have used in Pager class
Hi Bhaskar,
I need a help from your code. I m using your pager code, it has some issue because of displaying more data nearly 1500.All the page were shown in one line and showing label will reduce their size and wrap their text.
If it is possible to do like a grid paging control. can u please help me to sort this issue
Hi balaji,
Thanks for comment.
We can do your requirement by using Pager in grid view.
Please let me know we you got the problem with this code.I will give solutions for it
It gives an error when we click the next link :505|error|500|Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration
Hi Bhaskar,
it gives an error when we try to click next link:505|error|500|Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration...........,,,
505|error|500|Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration
please add the this to page directive in aspx page
If you still get the problem please let me know
Hi Bhaskar,
I fixed that issue and it gives invalid postback error. and i gave enableeventvalidation=false and it can be solved. but i need to avaoid the validation false.
Hi Bhaskar,
but i need to avoid this EnableEventValidation="false". if there is any alternate please let me know. thanks
Hi balaji,
As per security concerns EnableEventValidation=false not good to use it.Instead of that you can override render
You can check this example Using Client script
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