Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Creating Database WithOut GUI in

Title:Create new data base using dot net framework 

1.With in object explorer right click on the database note and choose new database to open new database dialog box
2.In that new database dialog box at the database name option provide a name to the database and keep the owner as the default
3.By default one data filer and one log file are created automatically and will be shown in as table when you ant to create additional files and log files.
4.Click on add button at the bottom of the table.The table provides the first column name that can be used to specify logical name of the file .
5.File type column to specify whether the data file belongs to primary or secondary file group and the initial size column to specify initial memory to be allocated to the file
6.Use the auto growth column to specify how much memory to be incremented to the file.When it names additional memory and the maximum limit for the file.
7.To change these option click on the button on right side of the column .Auto growth that open a dialog box with in they dialog box specify the file growth and max size and click on OK button
8.Use  the column path to specify the physical path where you want to save the file to change the path ,click on the button on right side of the column path
9.After specifying the all the files required for the data base click o OK button to complete the Creation of database and click the dialog box

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